How to be gay in Poland

How it’s to grow up as a lesbian in Poland. Struggling between a dominant narrow minded father, the church, politics and LGBT rights.

For Lesbian Visibility Week we want to share with you, how it is to be gay in Poland. The struggles and the reality's of LGBT rights in such a closed minded and catholic country. It's about gay rights, politics and the church.

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Our favourite restaurants in Amsterdam South and East

Our favourite restaurants and bars in Amsterdam South and East

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10 fun things to do during lockdown

Lockdown can’t be fun? Dare us – get to know our “10 fun things to do during lockdown!”, while we tried to have the best times possible!Aga and me are super active and always up…

Find out our top 10 fun things to do during lockdown! Keep yourself and your better half busy!!!

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Relationship problems during lockdown

Our Do’s and Don’ts during lockdown. Why we actually don’t argue, or at least very rarely.

Our Do's and Don'ts during Lock Down. And that's why we actually don't argue. Or only very rarely.

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