Lockdown can’t be fun? Dare us – get to know our “10 fun things to do during lockdown!”, while we tried to have the best times possible!
Aga and me are super active and always up for fun things – of course also during quarantine.
Just because the restaurants are closed and people have to keep strict social distance doesn’t mean that we have to stay home all the time and annoy each other!
Now we want to use the chance to share with you our favourite 10 things to do during lockdown!
During the past weeks we spent so much time outside!
Luckily we have been really blessed with the weather those weeks!
Almost every day we treated ourselves with an extra portion of vitamin D! So that’s why most of our fun activities took place outside!
–Let’s start our 10 fun things to do during lockdown–
1) Explore the countryside
Aga and I don’t own a car, so if if we want to go further than it’s possible with our bicycles, we have to rely on public transport or rent a car.
Due to the pandemic we decided against public transport and rented a car to go on trips into the northern Netherlands.
Like this we ended up far in the country side behind the Dutch city Groningen. Believe us or not, there isn’t much coming anymore.
Only country side as far as you can see!
Did I mention the perks of having a Polish girlfriend?
You can be sure, that you always have a massive picnic with coffee, tea, sandwiches, fresh fruits and lots of small and delicious goodies.
Only the toilet situation might be a bit tricky, cos of the closed restaurants, but the petrol stations are still open and in the country side you will always find a hidden space.

Use the quarantine for your benefit!
2) We go out riding on…
Rollerblades, longboards, bicycles and all the other cool stuff that we own but never actually have enough time to use.
Luckily we spotted a great bike lane around the Amstel river and enjoyed 20km of skating.
Not to forget to obligatory sandwich in Agas magic “Mary Poppins” bag.
3) Exercise
We just started during lockdown stretching and exercising before breakfast.
20min of intense bum, belly and legs training make us scream every morning!
Whatever comes afterwards can only be better!
Beside that we go out for a run in our beautiful neighbourhood and finally tried rob-skipping!
4) Baking and cooking
Since we’re on lockdown we’re non stop eating, aren’t you too?
We used the time to cook to cook recipes that our grandma’s taught us!
It’s such a nice thing for us to explore each others food culture!
And it’s incredible how much time you need for those old school recipes!

We started to surprise each other with traditional German and Polish dishes!
5) Netflix, TV and loooots of snuggles
we always find a show on Netflix that we haven’t watched yet!
And if not, a documentary about a serial killer can never be a bad choice!
6) A photo shooting at home
Yes, exactly! Aga and me made a professional photo shooting at home.
I fixed our make-ups and hairs and Aga took care of arrangements in our apartment and the pictures of course!
It was such a fun day and hell yeah, we got lots of cute pics out of this day!
Check them out in our daily Instagram feed!

7) Rent a boat
That’s so much our favourite thing to do in Amsterdam!
We just can’t get enough of “the lifestyle of the rich and the famous” and to come it very close we love to rent a boat, nipping on our Prosecco’s while floating through the beautiful channels of Amsterdam.
And thanks to some boat rental companies that operate via an app instead of personal contact, it’s also possible to rent a boat during lockdown.
8) Today we got a (tiny) BBQ!
And we’re both all excited!
While writing this post, I’m sitting on our lovely decorated balcony and overlooking the progress of our first BBQ in 2020!
Since we’re stuck at home in lockdown, we always treat ourselves very well. And what could be better than frozen strawberry daiquiris and a BBQ?
9) Exploring the neighbourhood
We totally love to explore our neighbourhood, it’s incredible how many beautiful parks are just around our house.
Even after living in this area for already more than a year, we always find new spots and routes to go with our bikes.
Btw. do you know why so many homeless and drunk people preferably sit on the bench in the sun?
Because it’s nice 😀
That’s why you also find us often sitting behind the house on the grass, or on a bench having a beer, reading a book, and snacking some goodies out of Agas bag.
10) Puzzles, knitting, playing, cleaning and renovating
We always find something to do in our home.
Many things we do together but we also have each our own projects.
While Aga cooks way more than I do, I’m obsessed with decorating and relax best while gardening.
We love our home and a day spend in our cosy girly dream, snuggling our cat and just being comfy is never a lost day!
What has an expa-life in common with a pandemic lockdown?
This were our favourite 10 things that we do during lockdown.
We hope we could inspire you to go out and to make the best out of it!
Since Aga and me usually live the typical “expat life” (and this not even for the first time) we’re used not to have too many social contacts.
Of course we have a lot of people to hang out with, but times when it’s just the two of us, is nothing weird for us.
So sometimes it’s a bit awkward realising that our usual lifestyle gets titled as a quarantine by others 😀
Share with us your favourite 10 fun things to do during lockdown!
Do you have some cool idea, that we should try out?
Let us know in the comments below!
Are you caught up in arguments with your partner?
Are things not going as smooth as they should?
Then you might be interested in our blogpost, “why we actually don’t argue”.
Nevertheless, if you need anyone to speak or to share your struggles, no matter if they are connected to your relationship or not, always feel free to drop us a message!
And until then, we’re very excited to listen to your top 10 fun things to do during lockdown!
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